Friday, December 3, 2010

About if I live and work in Washington for a California based company do I pay CA state income tax

If I live and work in Washington for a California based company do I pay CA state income tax?
I currently work and live in CA. I am in the process of moving to WA where I will be telecommuting for the same CA company. I will only be in CA maybe once a month for a meeting. Will I still have to pay CA state income tax and CA disability even though I live in WA? How does that work?
United States - 4 Answers
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Answer 1 :
My husband was a long haul based in Arkansas. But we lived in WA and he never was even in AR. He had to pay AR state taxes. You can ask the payroll dept of the company
Answer 2 :
If CA decides to treat this the way that NY does, you will still pay CA state income taxes. In NY, if the move is strictly for the convenience of the employee, state income taxes are still due. In general though you won't pay CA income taxes if you live and work outside of CA, regardless of where your employer is based.
Answer 3 :
You pay income tax on earnings to the state where you earn it. That is California and will shortly become Washington (where state income tax is zero.) If you had any California source income, from rentals for example, you would pay California tax on that.
Answer 4 :
your tax home is where you work, except for short, temporary, less than a year's duration assuming this is self employment you will file a 540 NR on your Calif. income and the amount of time you are actually in Calif. will have an impact on the amount of taxes you pay
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

About where are some places a teen could work in Washington State over the summer

Where are some places a teen could work in Washington State over the summer?
I'm 14 and I want a summer job. I babysit now but I earn $5 and hour! it's not fair! and I only babysit for 2 hours or less a day for only 3/7 days! So where are some Places I could work in Seattle, WA? where are some places I could display art also?
Other - Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
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Answer 1 :
I'm in the same situation as you! Coyote Central offers a Hit the Streets program, but the deadline has closed-- you can try next year. Camp Fire USA's Youth Volunteer Corps has a program where you can earn a post-high school savings account of $500 for each 100 hours of service you do under their program. Hope this helps! King County also has a resource website for volunteers. See if your friends parents can offer you a job! And you can always sell stuff (garage sale, make jewelry, etc.) If you're the artsy kind like me, people are always looking for art to display. And yes, you do get paid
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

About what is the maximum hours a 16 year old can work in Washington State

What is the maximum hours a 16 year old can work in Washington State?
I thought it was 20. Then I heard at school that you can work 30 if you have a B average in school. I did some reading on the internet and couldn't find anything about it. So what is the max?
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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Answer 1 :
According to the law, "For 16- and 17-year-old workers only, six-hour shifts and up to 28 hours per week are available through a special variance from the school district." "With a special variance, a 16- or 17-year-old teen can work up to 6 hours in a day, with a maximum of 28 hours during a school week in non-agricultural jobs if the school, business, parents, and teens agree that the extra work hours would not be detrimental to the teen's well-being, school attendance or academic performance. The special variance does not require approval from Labor and Industries. A special variance must include signatures of approval from the parent, teen, business, and the school. The special variance is included on page 2 of the regular Parent/School Authorization form.
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Friday, September 3, 2010

About i have a Oregon food handlers permit Does it work in Washington

I have a Oregon food handlers permit Does it work in Washington?
I moved from molalla Oregon to Vancouver Washington What website do I go to to get it?
Other - Food & Drink - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
nope sorry
Answer 2 :
No. You'll have to get a Washington Food Handler's Permit.
Answer 3 :
Although some licenses are transferable, there is no reciprocity when it comes to Food Handling Licenses. Even chefs like myself need to be certified from state to state. kinda sucks after going to school for 4 years, but you gotta pay your "Uncle".
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

About do they take state taxes out of my check if i work in washington but live in oregon

Do they take state taxes out of my check if i work in washington but live in oregon?
I live in Portland but work in Vancouver. In washington they normally don't take state taxes out of your check but Oregon they do. I live in Oregon... Do I need to pay extra taxes later to the state if they don't take out state taxes out of my Oregon check or how does it work? Thanks for the help!
United States - 4 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
They should. Since you're an Oregon resident, you have to file as an Oregan resident. You're going to pay it one way or another. You pay exactly the same amount no matter what they do. The only way your return would be higher is if they charge you penalties for not having it withheld or paying it on time. (The guy below me is wrong. Washington state has NO INCOME TAX. You probably knew that. He might be from New York.)
Answer 2 :
Oh Joy, you get to file two state income tax returns. After you do your federal, you do your washington income. Then you write a check, or get a refund. Then you have to do your Orogon return. But they give you full credit for the taxes you paid in Washington. But wait, there is more. The state taxes that were with held for 2009, you can claim on your federal 2009 return. But when you write a check, you have to claim that on your 2010 return. As for me, I have to file taxes in Colorado, New Mexico and Missouri. It could be worse. Senator Al Franklin had to file tax returns in almost 50 states. Then he filed for a big refund from Minnesota. And this is a guy who writes jokes for a living.
Answer 3 :
Mark M is wrong. You cannot "file two state income tax returns" because only one of these two states has state income tax returns. You must file a federal (IRS) tax return and an Oregon tax return. You must pay Oregon taxes. If they do not withhold from your pay, then you should make estimated tax payments to Oregon four times each year. You should not wait until you file.
Answer 4 :
Yes you are going to have to take Taxes out for Oregon just head over to there City Building and they will guide you along the way to getting this goal accomplished correctly.
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Saturday, July 3, 2010

About can i work in washington state as a nurse if ive been convicted of two gross misdemeanors

can i work in washington state as a nurse if ive been convicted of two gross misdemeanors?
I am an RN and was told by a hospital that it is a law that I can't work as a RN for 2 years with this charge. I need to work and have been a RN for many years with excellent references and ER experience. What exactly is the law regarding this?
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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Answer 1 :
Here is the Washington State Disciplinary Guidebook. I hope this helps you and good look to you:
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Thursday, June 3, 2010

About how does transportation work in Washington DC

How does transportation work in Washington DC?
I'm thinking of taking a trip down to Washington DC. Can anyone recommend a hotel near the monuments? Also need to know how transportation work there? Are the monuments like the Vietnam Wall and the National Mall close together? Is there ample public parking at them or would I be better off taking taxi's?
Washington, D.C. - 5 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
have you ever seen one of those red tourist bus... well something like that
Answer 2 :
they are kinda close but your best bet is walking it or taking a bus and and there isnt alot of parking...parking acually sucks
Answer 3 :
The Metro take you within a 1/2 mile of everything. You need to get on the computer and study maps and sites. I went to the library to get the book, Washington D.C. for Dummies. It really help me alot. Any hotel near a metro is fine. I stayed in Georgetown area it was real nice. The Vietnam wall and the Lincoln Memorial, Korean War, Nurses memorial, Washinton Momument , World War II Memorial. We walked to everything once we got off he Metro. Parking is alwful and you have to pay like$10 to $20 a day to park you car in Washington. It cheaper to go to an outside area as long as you stay then at your hotels there yo usually park free. We stayed 8 days in the fall and had a wonderful time.
Answer 4 :
Answer 5 :
I suggest you get a hotel (Ramada, Sherton or Best Western) in New Carrolton, MD-Take The Orange Line metro to downtown. It will save on cab fare and the hotel are less then DC prices
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Monday, May 3, 2010

About can a single mom work in washington state

can a single mom work in washington state?
My younger brother is going through a divorce in Washington state right now, and his wife is telling him that she can't work because there is a law that does allow single parents to work during the first year of a child's life in Washington state. Does anyone know this to be true? And if so, can you please provide some references? Thank you!
Law & Ethics - 8 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
There is no such law.
Answer 2 :
Pure Poppycock.
Answer 3 :
The wife is either bull*****ing, or she has been given wrong information. The State of Washington will not enact any law that prevents a mother from working to support and feed her baby. NO state will do this.
Answer 4 :
His ex is very creative in the lying department, isn't she?
Answer 5 :
Your brother's wife is full of shit, no such law exists. She is bluffing him to attempt to gain alimony and child support.
Answer 6 :
There is no such law prohibiting any person from working at any time. If she wants to work while in the delivery room, no law prohibits it. I cannot send you a link to the absence of something
Answer 7 :
Ignore her. Let it come out in the trial. The judge would probably get a good laugh over it. And if that's the basis for her claim int he divorce, it's over and done. Not going to happen.
Answer 8 :
Not true in the least bit, in Washington or any other state. Sounds like she just wants to mooch of off him while staying home with the kid.
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Saturday, April 3, 2010

About live in Washington, work in China for Cal. company, do I owe Cal tax

Live in Washington, work in China for Cal. company, do I owe Cal tax?
I worked for a California company, in China, for 5 months. I live in Washington state. Do I really have to pay Californina state tax?
United States - 1 Answers
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Answer 1 :
If your W-2 shows California taxes were taken out, yes. I used to live in Washington... my ex worked part of the year in Oregon and he had Oregon State taxes withheld from his paychecks on the money he earned in Oregon/not the money he earned in WA. We had to file in OR on the money we earned in OR. My current husband worked 5 months in LA and was paid out of the State of WA. We did not earn income in LA/we did not get paid from a LA source therefore didn't have any income to report to them/no income was reported being earned in LA. It gets a little complicated from here on... but pay special attention to how any Per-Diem was reported. I won't get into that since that was not what your question was asking.
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

About how dose gas and grocery coupons in washington work

How dose gas and grocery coupons in washington work?
I think that has an amazing concept, however I can't help to wonder if their is some kind of catch? It makes so mutch sence,but how dose it work?
Yahoo! Shopping - 2 Answers
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Answer 1 :
Answer 2 : is a sales arm of Inventive International, There are roughly 6 companies who sell these membership for Incentive International. It is a great concept, I sell these inventive tools in Southern California and personally use this program. There is not catch! That was my first though upon hearing about this program. Now that I have sold them and personally redeem my own gas and grocery receipts, it makes more sense. The Gas and Grocery brands are paying you for your loyality. They allow you to shop anywhere but once you have choosen a brand you must use that brand for entire redmeption process. The only question I get, can I send it ALL of my receipts for a rebate. The answer is NO, we are a incentive program not a storage company. I hope this helps, if you have questions, Please contact me at
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

About who does our elected Representatives in Washington work for

Who does our elected Representatives in Washington work for?
Who does or Congressmen and Senators work for Obama or we the people that voted for them? Why then do they mostly democrats seem to do what seems to be against what the people want? Don't they understand who elected them?
Government - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Many work for their own personal interests but the "C Street" Cabal of Republicans apparently think they work for God.
Answer 2 :
The ones that put them in office.....Big Business.
Answer 3 :
They have to hear from you to know what you are thinking. Do your part and write them. Scream if you have to. As for the Republicans, well they are out voted, they can't stop anything without the Dem supporters changing some minds up there.
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Sunday, January 3, 2010

About how do season tickets work? Washington Capitals specifically

How do season tickets work? Washington Capitals specifically?
I've never had season tickets before, but they look interesting. I need to know the ins and outs of the whole business. Example, do I have to pay for all games? etc. etc. etc.
Hockey - 2 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
yes you have to pay for every home game, you can probably get partial season ticket plans though. I would assume there is some kind of waiting list for season tickets to the Caps though.
Answer 2 :
Yes i think you need to pay for all regular season games and you get tickets to then. I believe there is usually a LONG waiting list though, despite the amount of money that people are paying for season tickets. It's ridiculously expensive but I guess a lot of people think it's worth it.